

Iā€™m Ellis, an independent graphic novelist, artist, writer, and cartoons instructor located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My career goal is to work professionally in visual storytelling as a storyboard artist in videogames, film, and other media, with becoming a director being a long-term goal.

I have ten years of experience in sequential art, with additional experience teaching cartooning for the next generation at the San Francisco Cartoon Art Museum.

I love the dramatic impact that visual storytelling can bring with excellent art and planning, and the art of pushing for an authentic emotional payoff in the relationship between artist and audience. The human experience is the communication of ideas, and its within stories of ourselves and others that we find glimmers of truth and authenticity in who we are as people, and those are always the stories worth telling the most.

Feel free to contact me for work! I look forward to hearing from you :)

Thank you for visiting my site!

Email: darkpenwriter@gmail.com

@timefiddler (Instagram | Twitter)